Chouara Tannery visit

At Hill Upholstery & Design, we use a wide variety of quality materials each day on all of our items to ensure the upholstery and re-upholstery work is the best quality it can be. We recently took a trip to Chouara Tannery, Morocco to see how leather is traditionally made!

The pictures below were taken in Chouara Tannery in Fez, which was built in the 11th Century and is the largest tannery in the city and a hugely popular tourist attraction.

The hides are still tanned using a mixture of cow’s urine, pigeon poo and lime and then they are dyed using natural colours – indigo for blue, poppies for red henna, for orange and saffron for the more expensive yellow.

We all agreed that the stench was incredible but worth it for the experience! It was great to see another side to the high quality materials that we use each and every day.

Take a look at some of our pictures below to see what happens during the tanning process!


How is the sofa frame made?

“How is the sofa frame made?”

If you are looking to INVEST in a top notch, quality sofa, then this is the one crucial question you should ask the seller.

Upholsterers in London, Hill Upholstery & Design - How is the sofa frame made

This is because it is the quality of the frame that generally dictates the longevity of the furniture.

A well-made, good quality sofa or chair should have a frame made from solid hardwood – ideally beech – with joints that are screwed, glued and dowelled.

Here’s a few examples of suites we have made which all include top notch materials and are built as described above.

Find out more about how to go about designing your own custom made suite here.

Sofa Frame London upholsterer, Hill Upholstery and Design (1)

Customer feedback

Customer feedback

Customer feedback is important to us as this gives us the opportunity to improve our service. Here are a few lovely customer reviews left for us on Google this last year, its great to read such positive comments. You can see more feedback on our testimonial page.

Customer feedback for Hill Upholstery & Design Customer feedback for HillUpholstery & Design Google reviews upholsterer Stanford Le Hope Essex London Google review upholsterer London

Contract wallcovering supplier

Wall covering wallpaper suppliers Essex Hill Upholstery and Design
Vescom Wallcovering

Did you know…

We can also supply high end, top quality wallcovering from some of the top designers as part of their offering to the interior contract market. We have accounts with Vescom, Romo, Osborne & Little & Style Library to name just a few. Watch this space for more information…

Wallcovering and Wallpaper supplier Essex Hill Upholstery and Design
Style Library, Orla Kierly Wallcovering
Wallcovering wallpaper suppliers contract Essex Hill Upholstery and Design
Vescom Wallcovering
Wallpaper suppliers Essex Hill Upholstery and Design
Style Library, Harlequin, Callistan Wallcovering
Wallcovering and wallpaper Essex Hill Upholstery and Design
Osborne & Little, Fleuron, Wallcovering

Behind the scenes

If you haven’t noticed already we love taking photos of the work we do and showing you want goes on behind the scenes.

We love showing them off on our website to give you an idea of the talented team we have here. Sometimes we turn the camera mode onto video and hope for the best – they may not be as professional as we’d like, but what the heck, they show you what we are actually doing and how we do it.

If we’ve whet your appetite, then grab yourself a cup of tea or whatever floats your boat and take a look at our You Tube channel by clicking on the following link to take you to our most recent work making a custom made headboard made for one of our Shenfield clients.



Take a look at some of Hill Upolstery & Designs Case Studies.

Friday Fun


Our lovely Scott & Tanya Hill admiring the view at a recent event held by FIRA (Furniture Industry Research Organisation) held at the House of Lords.

Now if this isn’t a photo that deserves a funny caption I don’t know what is! Answers on a postcard…

Scott Hill Tanya Hill London Upholstery FIRA

Good luck Anthony Heard!

Hill Upholstery & Design is proud to be one of the sponsors for our good friend Anthony Heard who is taking part in a boxing match TONIGHT at Chelmsford City Racecourse.  His goal is to raise as much money as possible for friend Brookin Johnson. You can hear about Brookin’s struggle here. Anthony Heard Hill Upholstery & Design Esex

We know the money raised will be going to a great cause so we wanted to show our support by sponsoring Anthony. Watch our for the Hill Upholstery & Design logo on Anthony’s kit.

If you are able to dig deep and make a donation then please visit Brookin’s GO FUND ME PAGE by clicking here.

Anthony Heard Hill Upholstery & Design Anthony Heard Hill Upholstery & Design